Tuesday, August 17, 2010

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

What Should You Do Before Your Foreplay?

Author: Jerry Leung

There is no doubt that foreplay is very important if you want to make your sex experiences more perfect. In fact, it has been discussed extensively i

n various articles and books. However, do you know what you should do before the foreplay?

As mentioned, there have been extensive discussions on the importance of foreplay. And there are also a lot of tips on what you should do when you are having your foreplay. Yet, it seems that there are only few tips on what you have to do before your foreplay. In fact, if you do not prepare well, the foreplay, as well as your sex experien

ce, will never perfect.

First of fall, you should try to take a bath beforehand. It is very important to be clean before you are having sex. Do you think you partner will love it if you look dirty? Well, some people may love it. However, most people will prefer his / her partner to be clean when they are having sex. As a result, you should try to make yourself smell g

ood before having the intimate relationship with your partner.

The atmosphere is also very important. You should try to decorate the place such that it looks romantic. Men should remember this point. A lot of men just do not pay attention to the decoration of the place they are going to have sex in. Yet, a romantic environment will certainly help to turn your partner on. You need to pay extra attention to the atmosphere before your foreplay so that you can make sure that the experience will be good.

You may have a good dinner with you partner before having intimate relationship with him / her. In fact, your foreplay has already started during the dinner. Eye contact is always very important. And you should also try to talk to your partner. It is very important to tell your partner how sexy he / she is. Of course you do not just talk about these things. You can also talk about other topics. As a matter of fact, any topic can go, you should keep having conversation with your partner and try to make the conversa

tion interesting. And gradually you will make the conversation hot.

If you can prepare well for your foreplay, it is certain that your sex experience will be good and perfect. So, remember to prepare before you are having the foreplay with your partner!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/sexuality-articles/what-should-you-do-before-your-foreplay-432592.html

About the Author:

The Author has a site on Best Sex Position. Be sure to check the article Better Sex Tips for Women and Men, as well as Does Race Dictate Penis Length.